
Articles Posted in Crowdfunding


The Invest Georgia Exemption and Intrastate Capital Formation (Part 2)

While designed as a capital formation alternative to going public or conducting a private placement offering under Section 4(a)(2), use of the intrastate offering exemption has not been widely used since the SEC revised the regulation in 2016. Sometimes referred as “crowdfunding” due to the ability to raise smaller amounts…


The Invest Georgia Exemption and Intrastate Capital Formation (Part 1)

Organizations seeking to raise capital have multiple options at their disposal – each with their own benefits, limitations, and regulatory obligations. As part of the JOBS Act, the SEC was tasked with reviewing an almost century old regulatory structure with the goal of easing and modernizing aspects of the federal…


New “Invest Tennessee Exemption” Takes Effect

Tennessee’s new “Invest Tennessee Exemption” to the state’s securities registration requirements went into effect on January 1, 2015. Like other securities exemption laws recently adopted by other states, Tennessee’s exemption allows for the intrastate offerings of certain securities that do not exceed $1 million. The law sets out the rules…


Michigan: First State to Create Alternative Market for Private Crowdfunding

On October 22, 2014, Michigan took a significant step to increase investment crowdfunding opportunities for Michigan businesses by becoming the first state to establish an intrastate market where broker-dealers can sell securities of Michigan-based companies. While “crowdfunding” can have different meanings, including rewards-based fundraising campaigns on sites like Kickstarter and…


Non-Registered Crowdfunding Site Reaches Settlement with SEC

In a settlement that underscores the SEC’s increased scrutiny of crowdfunding sites and whether they are acting as broker-dealers, the SEC agreed to a settlement with Eureeca Capital SPC (“Eureeca”), on November 10, 2014, over charges alleging willful violations of Sections 5(a) and 5(c) of the Securities Act and Section…


New Indiana Crowdfunding Act Exemptions

The Indiana Securities Division recently issued an emergency rule to explain new distinctions in Indiana’s crowdfunding exemptions, which became effective July 1, 2014. Indiana’s new rule is similar to Georgia’s “Invest Georgia” rule, which we have previously profiled. The Invest Indiana Crowdfunding Exemption, Sec. 23-19-2-2(27), permits Indiana-organized entities to offer…


Alabama Joins the Crowd: State Crowdfunding Exemption

The Alabama Legislature passed a crowdfunding exemption bill this April, but the bill is still awaiting the Governor’s signature to become effective. Alabama is the eleventh state to enact legislation or develop regulations on this topic. Other states that have adopted crowdfunding exemption bills include, Washington, Idaho, Wisconsin, Michigan, Kansas,…


SEC Commissioner Calls for Greater Cooperation Between State and Federal Securities Regulators

Commissioner Luis A. Aguilar of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) spoke at the recent NASAA/SEC Rule 19(d) Conference in Washington D.C. He addressed the importance of cooperation and collaboration between federal and state securities regulatory agencies in order to improve investor protection. Commissioner Aguilar also expressed a desire to…


SEC Accepting Public Comments for JOBS Act Rulemaking

On April 11, 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced it will accept comments prior to creating rules required by the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act. The SEC believes it is important to hear the public’s opinion before releasing proposed rules. It previously requested comments before rulemaking when…


House of Representatives Pass Crowdfunding Bill for the Second Time in JOBS Act

With an overwhelming majority, 390 to 23, the House of Representatives passed another crowdfunding bill on March 9, 2012. The House had previously passed a similar bill in November 2011 called the “Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act” which we previously discussed in a blog, New “Invest Georgia Exemption” Helps Small…

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