
Articles Posted in CRD


SEC Effectively Closed as Federal Shutdown Approaches its Fifth Week (But Some Filing Platforms Remain Fully Operable)

As the partial federal government shutdown, which began at midnight on December 22, 2018, now approaches its fifth week, we write to update our readers on the shutdown’s specific impact on the SEC and securities regulatory activities.  While we have previously discussed many of these points with our clients who…


FINRA Publishes Notice to Arbitrators and Parties Regarding Expungement Procedures

In September 2017, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority updated a previously published Notice related to FINRA Rules 12805 and 13805, which “establish procedures that arbitrators must follow before recommending expungement of customer dispute information related to arbitration cases from a broker’s Central Registration Depository (CRD®) record.”  When details are expunged…

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